Amy Stewart Awarded 2022 Landscape Australia Student Prize for UWA

We’re thrilled to share the news that our colleague Amy Stewart has been awarded the 2022 Landscape Australia Student Prize for UWA. The Landscape Architecture Australia Student Prize identifies and shares the finest graduating projects produced in landscape architecture education across the country.

Amy’s award-winning final year dissertation Fire and Place was designed as a response to climate change, the increased frequency of intense bushfires and the resulting reduction in ecosystem resilience in these zones. The project focused on developing design solutions that balance ecological sensitivity and safety in fire-prone peri-urban landscapes.

“I began the project by considering the history and use of fire in the landscape. Using QGIS (Geographic Information Systems software), I analysed the broad scale environmental systems that contribute to the rich ecology of the site and conducted multi-variable analyses to determine the risk of fire across the landscape. The design framework takes a holistic approach to balancing ecological sensitivity and bushfire safety by considering solutions on multiple scales.” - Amy Stewart 2022

Read more about Amy’s project here.

Images courtesy Amy Stewart


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