Connected canopies at Iron Ore Parade, Newman

Iron Ore Parade, Newman (2023)

Iron Ore Parade, Newman (2012)


We were excited to be back in Newman recently to see how well the trees in the green spines of the Newman Town Centre revitalisation project have been growing. Planted in 2012, these Tipuana tipu (also known as ‘Pride of Bolivia’)  at Iron Ore Parade were installed in double rows, with a tree on either side of the path. The result, as the recent photo shows, is a connected canopy for maximised pedestrian comfort.

With increasing awareness of the importance of urban canopy, it’s visual proof of our favourite tree proverb – “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now”.

The Newman Town Centre revitalisation project was implemented in three stages from 2010 to 2018. Its third and final stage included Newman Town Square.


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